Отель винперл фукуок вьетнам отзывы туристов – 165 реальных отзывов — Vinpearl Resort & Golf Phu Quoc


165 реальных отзывов — Vinpearl Resort & Golf Phu Quoc

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Конец диалогового окна


Отели Фукуока (Вьетнам) — отзывы, фото, описание, цены. Отели и гостиницы на Фукуоке на карте











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Отзывы об отеле Vinpearl Resort & Spa Phu Quoc, ОстровФукуок

Город тепла Vinpearl.
Мы с друзьями приезжаем в этот отель уже третий год подряд. И каждый раз с нетерпением ждем, когда приедем в этот райский уголок, волшебный город под названием Vinpearl. Комфортная вилла радует глаз, чистая, уютная. Постельное белье и полотенца белоснежные. Дополняют уют вьтнамский халатик и тапочки. Питание на любой вкус, очень качественное, всех блюд не попробовать. В этом году было очень много различных экзотических фруктов. Интерьеры зданий вдохновляют. Территория ухоженная, много растений. Чистый песчаный пляж запоминается надолго. Море прозрачное, температура воды 28°, купались часами. Персонал отеля многочисленный, доброжелательный, ненавязчиво обеспечивает ежедневный комфорт. Каждый год в отеле делается что-то новое. В этом году открыли большое красивое казино.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Отвечает Resort Management
Xin chao Aiva, Thank you for choosing Vinpearl resort & spa Phu Quoc and for taking the time to write your gracious comments about your recent stay. The whole team continually strive to provide the best experiences and memories for all of our wonderful guests and it is so rewarding for us to receive such feedback. We do hope to be able to welcome you back for future holidays as well. Sincerely,
Семейный отдых
Хороший отдых в комфортном отеле. Идеально подходит для детей. Хороший парк развлечений и сафари парк. Пляж чистый, спасатели на пляже, ровный постепенный заход в море, оптимальная глубина. Хорошая еда

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Отвечает Resort Management
Xin Chào ELENA, Thank you so much for choosing Vinpearl Resort & Spa for your vacation in»Pearl island». We are absolutely delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us especially our resort, our neighbour entertainment complex and our food. We strive to ensure that our guests get the highest standard of service possible in the hotel industry. Thank you for your kind words that help us improve daily. We are looking forward to your next visit. Sincerely, Vinpearl Resort & Spa @ your service
Были в отеле в период нового года. Периодически проблемы с пляжными полотенцами. Утром все полотенца разбирали и до обеда их не было. Приходилось брать полотенца из номера. В номерах тоже иногда не было то большого то среднего. Очень очень медленное обслуживание в барах. Если заказываешь фрукты в пляжном баре, то это 30-40 минут ожидания. Проблемы с фруктами)) только в последние два дня были установлены доппалатка на пляже где выжимали свежие соки и были фрукты в ассортименте)) и не надо ждать.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Отвечает Resort Management
Xin Chào Nadezhda, Thank you so much for choosing Vinpearl Resort & Spa for your vacation in «Pearl island». We are absolutely delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us especially our new launched service of fresh fruit at the beach. We strive to ensure that our guests get the highest standard of service possible in the hotel industry. Thank you for your kind feedback so that we would improve in towel issue soon. We are looking forward to your next visit. Sincerely, Vinpearl Resort & Spa @ your service
Семейный отдых
Комфортный отдых с детьми, хороший пляж, чисто и комфортно. Лучше брать полный пансион. Отличная бухта, вода +28-30, еда на любой вкус, персонал добросовестный.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Отвечает Resort Management
Xin Chào ELENA, Thank you so much for choosing Vinpearl Resort & Spa for your vacation in»Pearl island». We are absolutely delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us especially our beach, food and staff service dedication. We strive to ensure that our guests get the highest standard of service possible in the hotel industry. Thank you for your kind words that help us move daily. We are looking forward to your next visit. Sincerely, Vinpearl Resort & Spa @ your service
Очень хороший отель
Отличное место для отдыха с детьми.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Все супер
Лучший на острове отель

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Скучный, комфортный отдых.
Что сказать… Отель шикарный, всё чисто и красиво. Но вот очень скучно как то в нем. Еда не порадовала разнообразием морских блюд, чего ожидал, если честно. Покушать есть много чего, но я во вьетнаме и хотел побольше морских обитателей. Напитки только на завтраке… Как то за такие деньги можно было бы и не быть такими жадными. Да и ко всему ещё и посещения аквапарка оказалось было не включено в стоимость, хотя бронировал fullboard. Очень неприятная новость была. В целом отель очень понравился своим расположением, читсым пляжем и количеством шезлонгов. Отель полупустой(за такие деньги это не удивительный результат). Если просто лежать на лпяже и есть как в пансионате 3 раза в день — вам туда. Ну совсем нету эмоций после этого отеля, кроме отдыха после предыдущих исследований вьетнамского острова фукуок. Проще снять хороший отель на лонгбиче и на разницу в деньгах себе ни в чем не отказывать: есть, пить, кататься, шопиться в городе и т.д. Мое мнение — отель должен стоить в 2 раза дешевле, чтобы привлечь людей и быть более веселым что ли.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Отличный отель!
Отель высшего уровня, чувствуешь себя королем. Все очень понравилось, но есть и минусы. Их наверно и перечислю, тк все остальное плюсы. 1) Мало воды бесплатной в номере. 2) Плохой вай фай около бассейна и на пляже. 3) Нет бесплатного алкоголя. В отеле он очень дорогой. 4) Нет сушилки для белья. В целом очень понравилось,с удовольствием еще раз остановимся в данном отеле.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Следующие отзывы на английском языке предоставлены зарубежными клиентами

Good customer service and very nice property . Not convenient for shopping around walking distance

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Orbitz


Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Отвечает Resort Management
Xin chao Biutif, Thank you for your great comments about your stay at Vinpearl resort & spa Phu Quoc. The whole team & I continually strive to provide the best experiences and memories for all of our wonderful guests and it is so rewarding for us to receive such feedback. We do hope to be able to welcome you back for future holidays as well. Sincerely,
A relaxing trip with full satisfaction

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Отвечает Resort Management
Xin chao YIU KEUNG HAKIDS, We are delighted that you stayed at Vinpearl resort & spa Phu Quoc recently and to learn that you enjoyed your stay. It would be an immense pleasure to welcome you again at the hotel to share another lovely experience. Yours Sincerely,
I wasn’t able to book the stay that I wanted through the expedia system. I had to change the booking when I reached the desk. Good thing there was availability and kind service to make it work. I was not picked up at the airport as per my confirmed arrangements but they were very apologetic and made up for it in many ways. I was thrilled with the overall service and management

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

Отвечает Resort Management
Xin chao Jellicoe, Thank you for your five star comments about your stay at Vinpearl resort & spa Phu Quoc. The whole team & I continually strive to provide the best experiences and memories for all of our wonderful guests and it is so rewarding for us to receive such feedback. We do hope to be able to welcome you back for future holidays as well. Sincerely,
Beautiful resort with stunning grounds and gigantic pool. Nice golden sand beach with calm water.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

Отвечает Resort Management
Xin Chào, Thank you so much for choosing Vinpearl Resort & Spa Phu Quoc for your vacation in “Pearl island”. We are absolutely delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us. We strive to ensure that our guests get the highest standard of service possible in the hotel industry. Thank you for your kind words that help us move daily. We are looking forward to your next visit. Sincerely, Vinpearl Resort & Spa @ your service.
40 mins from downtown, but secluded area with own beach and big pool. Next door to a theme park and water park. Only buffet as food option, priced quite high for the rather poor quality.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

Отвечает Resort Management
Xin Chào, Thank you so much for choosing Vinpearl Resort & Spa for your vacation in»Pearl island». We are absolutely delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us especially our beach, pool, neighbour entertainment complex and food. We strive to ensure that our guests get the highest standard of service possible in the hotel industry. Thank you for your kind words that help us move daily. We are looking forward to your next visit. Sincerely, Vinpearl Resort & Spa @ your service
World class hotel & service!
Amazing place with first-class service! Lots of amenities (including complementary hot/cold jacuzzi, and steam/dry spa). Loved the complimentary shuttle to/from the airport. Buffet food was great and lots of variety. Comfortable bed. Very relaxing vacation. Definitely A+

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Отвечает Resort Management
Xin Chào Cuong, Thank you so much for choosing Vinpearl Resort & Spa for your vacation in»Pearl island». We are absolutely delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us with every thing included in one package. We strive to ensure that our guests get the highest standard of service possible in the hotel industry. Thank you for your A+ that help us move daily. We are looking forward to your next visit. Sincerely, Vinpearl Resort & Spa @ your service
Overall experience was excellent. The most wonderful experience was the Pepper Restaurant, very good and personalized service from the Manager.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Orbitz

Отвечает Resort Management
Xin Chào Tony, Thank you so much for choosing Vinpearl Resort & Spa for your vacation in «Pearl island». We are absolutely delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us especially Pepper personalized service. We strive to ensure that our guests get the highest standard of service possible in the hotel industry. Thank you for your kind words that help us move daily. We are looking forward to your next visit. Sincerely, Vinpearl Resort & Spa @ your service
nice hotel close to the beach and free airport shuttle will come back again

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

Facilities were great. Staff were polite, but do not seem to be well trained.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

The worst hotel, the noisy hotel, poor staff ############

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

Excellent Family resort
This is a world class resort which met and exceeded all expectations. Could not fault the staff who were attentive, proactive and always smiling and happy to assist with anything. The staff made the holiday for us. Great swimming pool and the beach (only 30m away) was clean, shallow water out to 20m with no waves which is fantastic for younger children. Buffet restaurant had great variety, dishes changing every night and tasty. VinPearl Land just next door is an excellent day out for the family with a big water park, plenty of rides and activities for all ages. We loved our time here and we will certainly be back

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

Very nice hotel with a great pool and close to the beach. Stayed three nights. On the last night we went to The Peppers restaurant and it was great. All the staff was great especially Duong Trang, Bartender, she was fabulous,really friendly and went out of her way to help with other request we needed. Thanks Vinpearl for a great stay.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

Had an amazing time. Wished I had not come at the rainy season. But still had good weather. Food was great each morning and evening. The staff was excellent in helping and answering any questions. I would love to come back again and agin. Just an overall great experience for me and my girlfriend. My girlfriend loved the place just as much as I did.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

Was enjoyable

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Great place by the beach, with sunset view n huge pool

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

3 Bedroom Ocean View Villa
Massive villa’s very relaxing. Highly recommended.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

Awesome!!! Super helpful and friendly staff!
For the best go to this hotel!! They helped me to organize my husband’s birthday, they made it an awesome birthday for him. Everything was perfect. Vietnamese are the best!

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

Had to stay here for relative Beauty Peagant
Beauty Peagant Show was hosted here, went visit. Overall nice experience but the hotel should’ve give free ticket entrance to the show for the guests.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

Excellent Resort with unreliable WIFI
Excellent Resort but WIFI is unreliable for a Five star hotel.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Perfect resort on a perfect beach
I’ve never been to a beach that has no waves, I guess it depends on the season. The water was so nice like a swimming pool. We absolutely love to spend 11 days at this resort. They treated us royally. They celebrated with us our honeymoon, birthday and Valentine with love and special treats that we would never forget. Beside all the specials we got, they took us to the night market and shuttle to and from airport for free. My husband and I both think their Safari zoo is the best, top notch in the world with hundreds of animals that most zoos don’t have. We enjoyed their live music at the restaurant Pepper by the beach. We also danced when they sang our songs. We had an amazing time at this resort

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Orbitz

Good resort near fantastic beach
new facilities and kind crews. but they can not speak english well.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на CheapTickets

Could’ve been a better experience
Our room was a bit dated, aircon was broken couldn’t adjust temperature, shower door couldn’t close, shower was dirty with stains and bathroom smells bad from plumbing pipe. However service was great, they fix things straight away as soon as I report them. Overall for a 5 stars hotel I was a bit disappointed with the room but everything else was good.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

New infrastructure, TERRIBLE food and beverage
Great hotel, with AWFUL Food & Beverage services. Do not go. This property caters to Russians, Brits and Italians mainly, who fly in on charter planes. 3 restaurants and one pool bar. Only buffet. If you don’t buy the full meal plan, each meal will be USD 40 plus drinks. Pool bar run out of food (only 4 options, all sandwiches) frequently, and when they had something it took 50 minutes to get it. The Pepper restaurant, by the beach, is a total disaster. Set menu (super limited), awful meat quality, and total lack of control on the service. Orders were incomplete, raw meat was mixed with fresh vegetables, and order slips (paper) were put under food which was used as paper holder. Dinner, with just water, was USD 40 per person. There are no restaurants nearby, so you are a hostage. The closest town is 40 minutes away by taxi. Look for another property.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Orbitz

Nice hotel. Bad service. Bad food. No food.
The hotel is beautiful. The layout and the beach and pool were all so nice and clean and very well maintained. However, as vacationers, when you go to a hote as nice as this you expect service. By service i mean good quality of food, options, and most of all, availability. Many times we would order food from the me u, room service or snack bar and they would tell us they had no more. For our 3 night stay, i would say the service was not so good and we had higher expectations. Would I recommend it to friends? Not sure. Would i go there again? No.

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Great resort but….front desk staffs are rude.
The front desk staffs needed major attitude improvement. They are lazy and in-efficient. They would rather talk to you each other for 15min than checking you in. No smile either and asking them a question seems like giving them a hard time and they tried to avoid you if all possible.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Busy hotel
This hotel is a bit too big with people everywhere (in the main hotel, the villas are quieter). It also made it a chore to get anywhere as you had to get buggys/taxis. They ran out of bath towels and so we couldn’t shower until 8pm (they offered us hand towels) which was disappointing. The buffet was excellent however there were no a la carte options for dining except room ssrvice. And restaurants were far away. The pool and beach are beautiful — just need to get there early to snag a chair. The room was large and clean although decor a bit outdated.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

Had a lovely relaxing weekend. Room was very tidy and comfortable. Scenery was lovely. However, there was only one restaurant which was a buffet and not enough variety of food for the price. Overall, had a wonderful time.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Exceeded Our High Expectations!
Our stay at Vinpearl Resort Phu Quoc exceeded our expectations. From the time of booking, hotel staff got in touch to determine our arrival and departure time, so that they could organise a complimentary airport transfer. When we arrived, we were greeted warmly and offered cold drinks (a relief of a very hot day!). The resort staff were all marvelous — incredibly helpful, friendly and professional. The rooms were spacious, very clean, very well-maintained and very comfortable. The view from our balcony was stunning. The breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets were generous, tasty and offered incredible variety. The amenities were wonderful (swimming in the large pool and warm-watered ocean were highlights) and we thoroughly enjoyed our stay. We look forward to staying here again soon!

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Friendly, clean and relaxing resort.
Overall a very nice and clean resort, friendly and helpful staff. Food/water sports etc. we’re expensive for Vietnam, similar to Melbourne prices, but I guess that’s expected for a resort. Buffet breakfast definitely worth the money! There was a lot of construction behind the resort, but this didn’t really affect our stay. Wifi stopped working a couple of times, but was fixed promptly. It would have been nice to be advised rather than have to chase it up ourself. Beaches very clean, great pool, well kept grounds.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Sunset paradise.
We enjoyed our stay at this hotel — it was a luxurious resort on a beautiful, clean beach. The room was comfortable, roomy and clean. There were not many dining options — expensive buffet style, self-serve breakfast,lunch and dinner or a very limited, snack menu at the bar. The staff, whilst friendly and helpful, did not speak much English, which made it quite difficult to organise tours. The adjoining theme park was fun — especially if you have children.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia

Don’t book
Very far from the town. Nowhere to really eat apart from the hotel. They claim to have a few restaurants but they actually only have one in each building which the exact same food. Very expensive for dinner and all they offer is a buffet at around £25 per head and it is the same buffet every night and not nice compared to other hotel buffets.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

This is my second time stay, first time was amazing but this time was a big disappointed. The services at the restaurant was terrible. I arrived late and there was no other selection to eat beside the buffet restaurant. So, me and 2 other friends decided to eat their $35 buffet but the staff there was terrible, the guy at the register said there was BBQ and many other things to eat but the true was completely opposite. After we paid to go inside, there was nothing but left over, each station to go to get food the server at that station either told us they running out of food or we about to close, sorry. I understand we arrived late but if you charged us full price we deserved to get our food. We’re basically paid $35 for drinking water and eating all the left over at a 5 star hotel. We felt like we been mistreated and the services was terrible at the restaurant. And also when we book a trip to their Safari at noon, no one come tell us that the bus arrived, we was just waiting at the lobby over 30 mins, till we approach the reception and asked, then the guys said the bus was here earlier but no one notice us and just ignored us. I just can’t believed a 5 star hotel would have such bad services, the hotel was very nice so as the room and everything else except the services. I’m very disappointed on this stay and would not recommended to anyone who arrived late and want to get food at the buffet, you will be over paid for eating left over.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Don’t stay here, as you will be very disappointed!
Service and food was very average and the place was very expensive for what you got. Rooms were just a hotel room and they not really clean. The place was not near anything and the staff only knew about VinPearl. The staff did not speak English very well, but on a positive note, the pool was fantastic.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Very far from town and no shuttle bus offered.
Great location and pool. But the food was terrible and didn’t have many choices for guests

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Relaxation place
Fantastic service. Very pricey to eat and travelling out of the resort! Purely for resting/relaxing only. Vinperal land and safari, ghost town. Not much happening there. If you are from Australia, Goldcoast has better rides at all thier theme parks. If you can, get the package that includes all 3 meals. Better value for money. As mentioned, food is pricey in there. Eg fish and chips (fries) 200000+ dong and u get a few fish fingers, fries and a few lettuce leaves for a salad. If you purchase the package with all meals included you can dine in the actual buffet restaurant rather than the pricey bar/cafe.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Nice resort with massive pool and good servjce
Pleasant staff Spacious villa Beautiful pool Food nice but the same every day every meal Buggy transport around resort great Vinpearl land fun Safari also great

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Wotif

Vinpearl Phu Quoc Resort
We stayed at Vinpearl Phu Quoc Resort for 8 nights in December 2016 as a couple. Pros: — Nice private beach and swimming pool. — Room is spacious and cleaned. — Nice view Cons: — Staff are not quite friendly — Boring food. — Poor menu

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Wotif

Biggest pool in SE Asia, nice beach, bad food
I’d stay elsewhere in Phu Quok

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Good hotel
It was amazing. Big swimming pool. Good beach and clean water, good breakfast and dinner. Clean and big rooms. Slow wifi.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Wonderful hotel secluded from the rest of island
Amazing hotel and wonderful staff. The room and grounds were really beautiful, clean, and comfortable. The staff really made the whole experience worth it. They always had a smile and were going above and beyond to make guests happy. A few downfalls, the distance from town and food options. Once you are at the hotel it’s difficult to leave for food or drinks without spending a lot on taxi’s as the hotel doesn’t provide a shuttle service. Also the restaurant only allows you to eat in the restaurant if you are getting the very pricey buffet. If you just want a nice meal we were told to eat in our room with room service which we didn’t like. But the beach front bar was wonderful for sunsets and snacks. Would recommend the hotel highly to people who want to get away and stay away. If you like venturing out for dinners and drinks while on vacation this might not be the best place.

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Hotels.com

Nice hotel
This is the 1st time I stayed at this hotel. I’m satisfied with my stay

Отзыв гостя, который забронировал на Expedia


Отзыв о путешествии Vinpearl Resort & Golf Phu Quoc 5*, Архипелаг Фукуок, Вьетнам. Отзыв туриста

Отзыв о путешествии

Прекрасный отель с прекрасным сервисом

О стране «Вьетнам»

Прекрасные люди

Об отеле «Vinpearl Resort & Golf Phu Quoc 5*»

Отель входит в цепочку отелей Vinpearl на Фукуоке. Отдельная большая терртория на несколько отелей включая большой комплекс вилл. Все виллы сдаются. Понравилось хороший сервис — обслуживание в ресторане, достаточно богатый выбор блюд (включая деликатесы) акцент идёт на морепродукты. Персонал очень приветливый, стараются учить русский язык. Пляж достаточно пологий песочный вход в море. Через каждый 100 м. сидят спасатели. После 18 из моря выгоняют и можно до 20 часов купаться в бассейне. Для тех кто живёт в пятерках — аквапарк и развлечение в Винперл Лэнд в который входит — аквапарк, парк аттракционов, океанариум. Тур можно купить с абониментом на посещение, как на разовое, так и на безлимитное, а можно там приобрести на месте билеты. Также на территории есть большой зоопарк, сказать просто большой зоопарк — ничего не сказать, каждому виду животных выделено много место, прекрасные вольеры и есть вольер с малышами, где можно даже взять на ручки малыша барашка или еще кого-нибудь. В этом же зоопарке отдельно-оплачиваемая зона —  сафари —  сажают в бронированный автобус с охранником и водителем запирают все и везут … на территории с дикими животными. Очень интересно!!! Всё максимально безопасно. Каждый вольер открывает сначало одну стену, автобус проезжает закрывается первая стена и открывается вторая.  Обязательно покормите жирафов в кафе с одноименным названием.  

Здание отеля не очень большое и особенность такая, что четные номера выходят на море, а нечетные вид на окрестности ( или наооборот точно не помню).  Когда вы прилетаете, перед тем как зайти в трансфер вам уже выдают ключи от номера, это очень удобно. Ехать до отеля несмотря на небольшое расстояние минут 40. 

Скорость транспорта небольшая. Многие в отзывах по Вьетнаму советуют брать мотобайки, я не советую, по причине того, что наши права там не действуют. Когда мир договаривался о введении единых правил дорожного движения, Вьетнам был в стадии войны. Гид сказала, что у них даже нет правила правой руки, а вроде как у них слева пропускают. Если наши попадают в аварию по любому наши виноваты, потому что они ездят без прав, без их прав. 

Вокруг отеля места поесть нет, может уже появилось проверяйте. Ехать до ночного рыночка минут 35 на такси. На территории отельного комплекса есть отель 4 звезды со своим аквапарком. 

Всем советую обязательно съездите!


Расположение отеля (удаленность от аэропорта, моря, гор и т.п.)


Территория отеля (размер, обустройство)


Здание отеля (состояние)


Номера (размер, комфорт)

Номер комфотный, берите обязательно с видом на море. Закаты великолепны!!!


Сервис в отеле (ассортимент и качество услуг)


Услуги для детей

Море, пляж, отделение в бассейне.


Питание (количество и качество)


Персонал (услужливость, отношение к гостям)


Развлечение и досуг в отеле

Анимации там нет


Красота и здоровье (SPA, бани, сауны)


Море и пляж
На кого ориентирован отель

Отель не для тусовки. Для спокойного безмятежного семейного или романтического отдыха. За тусовкой прыгаем в такси и катим в город, там дискотеки, караоке, ночной рынок,  недорогие фрукты … но фруктов включено в питании отеля.

Об аэропорте «Фукуок»

40 минут ехать от аэропорта


Месторасположение (удаленность от города, подъезд, удобство, как добраться)


Оснащенность аэропорта (здания, инфраструктура, Duty Free)

Хороший чистый аэропорт, с большим количеством магазинчиков с сувенирной продукцией недорогой. В прошлом году точно работал зал ожидания по PriorityPass


Пропускная способность терминалов (скорость обслуживания, очереди, проверки)


Выдача багажа (скорость, багажные тележки)

Багаж ждали долго по прилёту


Vinpearl Resort & Spa Phu Quoc (Вьетнам Фукуок)

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